16 April 2021
Dr. Don Goss Honored at Womack Army Research Symposium for Physical Therapy Research
Womack Army Medical Center at Fort Bragg, NC hosted its 15th annual Research Symposium on 31 March 2021 sponsored by The Geneva Foundation.
Womack Army Medical Center (WAMC) is an integral part of Fort Bragg’s mission and each year, WAMC hosts its Research Symposium to highlight advancements made in military medical research. This year’s 15th Annual Research Symposium was held as a local event with 13 podium and 16 poster presentations reflecting excellence in research.
Tying for second place in podium presentations for original research was Geneva employee and rehabilitative medicine researcher Army Col. (Ret.) Don Goss, DPT, PhD, ATC for his presentation on “Physical Therapy Sick Call Improves Soldier Readiness.”
“The recognition really belongs with the team who agreed to embark with me on this journey of conducting direct access physical therapy sick call for soldiers at Fort Bragg,” said Dr. Goss. “This was a new endeavor for the staff at Robinson PT clinic and I thank them so much for their selfless service to our soldiers then, now, and every day in the future!”
Dr. Goss is also an Associate Professor at High Point University in the Department of Physical Therapy and was previously the Officer-in-Charge of the Physical Therapy Service Line at WAMC.
This year’s Research Symposium presentations were focused on a variety of subjects that are advancing both Army medicine and global health. Topics ranged from the impact of binge drinking among young adults, the effect of aspirin on the risk of postpartum endometriosis, sleep-related issues, as well as several COVID-19 related studies. Geneva researcher and WAMC Senior Scientist Dr. Cris Berry-Cabán served as the Symposium chair.
The Symposium has been a regional event in the past, partnering with educational training institutions in the area, but was limited in attendance this year due to COVID-19. A complete list of winners can be found on WAMC’s Facebook page.