31 December 2018

2018 Year in Review

Geneva is proud to highlight our activities and accomplishments over the past year as we continue to advance exceptional medical research within the U.S. military. In 2018, Geneva supported over 230 researchers and over 460 research programs in areas including oncology, infectious diseases, orthopedics, gastroenterology, and hepatology.

Our organization is forever grateful for our sponsors and collaborating partners, including federal government agencies, universities, corporations, foundations, and other non-profit organizations who have helped to support Geneva’s mission.

Geneva was honored to launch two new collaborative programs in 2018. The 4-Dimensional Bioprinting, Biofabrication, and Biomanufacturing (4D Bio³) Program is a five-year program funded by the Defense Health Program based at the Uniformed Services University (USU) in Bethesda, Maryland. The purpose of 4D Bio3 is to promote the development and application of advanced bioprinting, biofabrication, and biomanufacturing technologies for research pursuant to DoD priorities and ultimately for translation to clinical medical defense care and training solutions. The Fort Bragg Research Institute (FBRI) program links the vast infrastructure of science and technology regionally available to Womack Army Medical Center with the growing needs of operational readiness for Fort Bragg, NC. The mission of FBRI is to optimize military performance through scientific innovation by providing assistance to Fort Bragg investigators and their collaborators.

In 2018, Geneva hired 141 employees worldwide, at sites including Keller Army Community Hospital, Madigan Army Medical Center, San Antonio Military Medical Center, and Walter Reed National Military Medical Center. Our team participated in over 20 conferences over the course of the year, including the Military Health System Research Symposium (MHSRS), the Association of Military Surgeons of the United States (AMSUS) conference, the Orthopedic Trauma Association (OTA) annual meeting, the 12th Annual Womack Army Medical Center Research Symposium, and the Special Operations Medical Association’s 2018 Scientific Assembly (SOMSA).

Geneva announced the 2017 Researcher of the Year, Dr. Vincent Ho, Chair of Radiology at USU. Dr. Vincent Ho has spearheaded the development of novel techniques and technological advancements in imaging that are revolutionizing the fields of medical diagnostics, preventative medicine, and targeted treatment planning.

Over the course of the year, Geneva welcomed Chief Financial Officer, Brent De Rosia, and two new members of the Board of Directors, Lisa Cohen and Dr. Neil Vining. The dynamic guidance of Geneva’s leadership continues to support and elevate Geneva’s mission on a global scale.

Geneva would like to thank the employees, researchers, collaborators, and supporters around the world, who contribute to the advancement of military medicine and enable the organization to attain greater potential in the years to come.



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