16 June 2022
Fort Bragg Research Institute Contributing to the Army’s Holistic Health & Fitness (H2F) Initiative
The Fort Bragg Research Institute (FBRI), a program of The Geneva Foundation, is proud to be a part of a new human performance research project providing enablement technology and services for the U.S. Army’s Holistic Health & Fitness (H2F) Initiative. In 2020, the Army published the HH2F which revolutionized how it looks at individual and unit readiness and provides a framework for leaders to improve Soldier readiness. The Holistic Health and Fitness Management System (H2FMS) is an Army-wide initiative to build a healthy fighting force and ensure every Soldier is ready for the unique occupational demands of the job.

In partnership with TIAG, CoachMePlus and together with Fort Bragg Research Institute (FBRI) and Geneva, TIAG will leverage its Warrior Performance Platform (WP2) to create a user interface for Soldiers to track performance, receive coaching, and interface within and throughout the Army’s ecosystem of resources quickly and easily. Geneva’s Senior Technical Advisor Army Lieutenant Colonel (Ret.) Stephen DeLellis, PA-C will provide subject matter expertise to the collaboration’s research efforts.
LTC (Ret) DeLellis has dedicated his career to caring for America’s elite warriors on far-forward battlefields. In this Q&A, he explains more about the project’s goals and how this research can contribute to the cultural shift in the way we train, develop, and care for Soldiers.
How can software like CoachMePlus (CM+) be applied to keep soldiers fit and ready?
Today’s military is the most tech-savvy generation of warriors to ever wear a uniform in service to our nation. Software applications like CM+ are perfect for today’s warriors to track ability, fitness, and resilience, and for Commanders to track readiness.
Why is something like this platform needed?
Many warriors already use wearables daily to track everything from sleep and nutrition to health and wellness. It makes sense to use CM+ to aggregate the data in a single place.
How does H2F represent a cultural shift in the way we train, develop, and care for Soldiers?
With a focus on readiness, the CM+ application represents a modern, technologically based method to capture, aggregate and display data, provide feedback, and even potentially prevent injuries.
How are Geneva and the Fort Bragg Institute contributing to this project?
The Fort Bragg Research Institute, a program of The Geneva Foundation, is honored to be partnering with CM+ and TIAG to bring this important capability to our warfighting partners. We have great relationships with Fort Bragg commands, we consider it an honor and privilege to be able to work with today’s modern warriors and provide tools and capabilities like CM+.
How does FBRI prioritize human performance research?
There is so much research being performed in, around, and on behalf of the DOD. We focus on providing the continuity to ensure programs mature and move from lab to battlefield. Additionally, we keep Commanders informed about projects being conducted within their commands. Furthermore, we hope to help reduce redundant federal spending for research. We advertise efforts across commands and the Services, to ensure research dollars are invested responsibly.
To learn more about the Fort Bragg Research Institute and its ongoing human performance research efforts, please visit www.genevausa.org/programs/flri/.

"There is so much research being performed in, around, and on behalf of the DOD. We focus on providing the continuity to ensure programs mature and move from lab to battlefield."
LTC (Ret.) Stephen M. DeLellis, PA-C
- The Army's Holistic Health & Fitness (H2F) Initiative launched in 2020 seeking to go beyond decades of focus almost solely on the physical fitness test by expanding Soldier readiness to nutritional, sleep, mental and spiritual areas.
- The Holistic Health and Fitness Management System (H2FMS) is an Army-wide initiative to build a healthy fighting force and ensure every Soldier is ready for the unique occupational demands of the job.
- In partnership with TIAG, CoachMePlus and together with Fort Bragg Research Institute (FBRI) and Geneva, the team will bring a a modern, technologically based method to warfighting commands to capture, aggregate and display data, provide feedback, and even potentially prevent injuries.