Infectious Diseases
Advancing Global Health Solutions
Geneva’s accomplished research teams are at the forefront of developing novel therapeutics, rapid diagnostics, effective countermeasures, and life-saving treatments to combat infectious diseases, addressing urgent global health threats that directly impact military and civilian communities.
Infectious diseases are one of the most significant threats to military effectiveness, undermining both the health of service members and mission success. Research in this field is critical to creating rapid, scalable solutions for prevention, diagnosis, and treatment strategies.
- Infectious diseases account for a substantial number of military hospital admissions, often surpassing those from battlefield injuries.
- Future operational scenarios will face unprecedented challenges as weakened environmental disease barriers allow infectious agents to spread rapidly in dense urban populations, threatening military readiness and global security.
- Wound infections, especially in prolonged care settings, can lead to devastating outcomes, hindering recovery and diminishing the operational effectiveness of military personnel.
The Geneva Advantage
Geneva accelerates military medical R&D through strategic collaborations, operational expertise, and innovative solutions that amplify research impact, strengthen national defense, and improve healthcare for service members and the communities they serve.
- Access to Cutting-Edge Facilities: Geneva leverages access to BSL-3 and BSL-4 laboratories for advanced vector-borne disease research, ensuring the highest level of safety and precision in studying infectious threats.
- Strategic Collaborations: Geneva partners with leading federal laboratories and military treatment facilities, including the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute for Infectious Diseases, Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, and Armed Forces Research Institute of Medical Sciences, to tackle infectious diseases that threaten both military readiness and global health.
- Expert Guidance: Geneva benefits from the expertise of its Scientific Advisory Board, which brings deep knowledge and experience to guide research efforts, ensuring innovative solutions and impactful strategies are developed for the most critical global health challenges.
Geneva’s research teams and global collaborators leverage specialized expertise to address today’s critical health challenges.

Learn more about how Geneva is addressing critical global health challenges through infectious disease research.

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