Sponsored Research Management

Geneva advances complex military medical research programs by developing and executing successful strategies that deliver results.

Geneva serves as a partner alongside researchers, their teams, and collaborators in advancing solutions that address the needs of the warfighter, the DoD, and the larger medical community. We build multidisciplinary networks of academia, government, and industry stakeholders to ensure the success and sustainability of the program. We excel at removing barriers to ensure specific research goals are met on-time and on-budget.

Geneva Expertise

Geneva’s demonstrated expertise with complex research program management includes:

  • Access to military treatment facilities nationwide
  • Bench-to-bedside expertise
  • Creation of knowledge products
  • Comprehensive regulatory expertise
  • Development of maturing technologies
  • Engagement of thought leaders
  • Extensive multidisciplinary partner networks
  • Incubating clinical trials networks
  • Marketing and promotion of research successes
  • Recruiting highly technical and skilled personnel
  • Robust data management and analysis
  • Patient recruitment
  • Providing strategic direction on long-term research goals

Our extensive capabilities result in a solutions-based approach that meets DoD priorities.



Center for Biotechnology

Promoting the development and application of advanced bioprinting, biofabrication, and biomanufacturing technologies for research.


MIRROR: Musculoskeletal Injury Rehabilitation Research for Operational Readiness

Addressing the impact of musculoskeletal injuries on service members through a broad scope of projects.


Fort Liberty
Research Institute

Optimizing military human performance through scientific innovation and partnerships with military investigators and collaborators.


TriService Nursing
Research Program

Advancing military nursing research to optimize the health of military members and their beneficiaries.


DoD Consortiums & Centers of Excellence

Football players playing football
NCAA-DoD Grand Alliance: CARE Consortium
HCE: Hearing Center of Excellence
METRC: Major Extremity Trauma Research Consortium