12 October 2022
Part 2 — Research Planning: Benefits of Finding a Mentor
This is part 2 of 8 in the Generate a Winning Research Proposal Learning Series. Click here to download the whole series.
Coming up with a research idea is an exciting step into to the field of research, a pathway that can be beneficial to early-career individuals. However, navigating the needs and requirements to successfully conduct research can be challenging. That’s where working with a research mentor can help.
A research mentor can significantly increase your chances of having a positive research experience. A good research mentor is a resource for information and encouragement and can help you navigate the most challenging step – narrowing the focus of your research ideas and developing them into researchable questions.
A mentor can provide critical feedback and initiate discussions that are necessary to optimize your project, ensuring a sound scientific rationale, hypotheses that can be tested, and different experimental approaches to generate meaningful outcomes to advance your field. A mentor’s insights, understanding of the strengths and limitations of the proposed project strategy, and ability to provide guidance if and when problems arise will assist with ensuring that a project is successful and help you avoid common mistakes.
When searching for a mentor, first understand what you want to gain to help drive the mentoring relationship. What are your strengths? In what areas do you want mentorship? Consider finding multiple mentors that can fill each of these gaps. You should establish clear goals and be open to learning in order to maximize the guidance you’ll get from your mentors and co-mentors in this journey.
Geneva Expertise
- Geneva’s proposal development services are provided at no cost to the researcher, and include:
- Targeted funding searches
- Development of a grant budget and budget justifications
- Compilation of ancillary items, supporting documents, and budgets
- Repository of sponsor templates
- Provide guidance and review for technical and non-technical components
- Proposal preparation
- Final review of proposal
- Submission under Geneva’s signatory authority
Upon award, Geneva facilitates contract negotiation and accepts the award on behalf of the researcher.
Please contact research@genevaUSA.org if you have any questions regarding the content of this publication or would like to find out more information on Geneva’s research services.