16 June 2022

Geneva Sponsors Events at Womack Army Medical Center to Promote Ongoing Research

Geneva and the Fort Bragg Research Institute are proud to support local, regional, and state medical research-related conferences, symposia, and colloquia at Fort Bragg, NC.

The XVI Annual Womack Army Medical Center (WAMC) Research Symposium, sponsored by The Geneva Foundation, was held on 11 May 2022 at Womack Army Medical Center, Fort Bragg. It is the signature research event at WAMC that showcases academic, healthcare, and residency research endeavors.  This year’s participation was limited to Fort Bragg staff, faculty, and medical personnel due to ongoing Covid restrictions.

The symposium featured 10 podium and 19 poster presentations. Subjects ranged from musculoskeletal conditions in active duty Service Members to chronic pain experience among U.S. Military personnel.  Geneva’s Senior Technical Advisor LTC (Ret) and Executive Director of the Fort Bragg Research Institute Stephen DeLellis, provided opening remarks and served as the Master of Ceremonies. Also in attendance from Geneva were Jennifer Johnson, Senior Client Partnership Manager, and Amber Lane, Research Portfolio Administrator. COL (Ret.) Mark Kortepeter, MD, MPH delivered the keynote address titled: From Ebola to Covid: Research during a Crisis.

WAMC Research Symposium winners were as follows:

  • Oral Presentation Faculty/Staff: Anthony Plunkett, MD; Percutaneous Neuromodulation of the Brachial Plexus and Sciatic Nerve for the Treatment of Acute Pain Following Surgery: Secondary Outcomes from a Multicenter, Randomized, Controlled Pilot Study
  • Oral Presentation Resident: CPT Phillip Culp, MD; Childhood Adversity and Chronic Pain Experience among U.S. Military Personnel. 
  • Poster Presentation Resident: CPT Quang Gonzalez, MD; A Fascinating Presentation of Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome. 


Additionally, Geneva sponsored the inaugural First Annual Quality/Process Improvement and Evidence-Based Practice (PI/QI/EBP) Symposium held on 18 May 2022 at WAMC. This event highlighted the intersection of Graduate Medical Education and Process Improvement and provided a venue to highlight scholarly activity in an effort to enhance organization-wide awareness of ongoing projects. Jennifer Johnson, Senior Client Partnership Manager, and Amber Lane, Research Portfolio Administrator for Geneva exhibited at the event.

COL Lisa Foglia, MD, Director of Graduate Medical Education (GME) served as the Master of Ceremonies and provided opening remarks. The keynote speaker was Dr. Catherine Kuhn, Associate Dean of GME and ACGME (Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education) Designation Institutional Official at Duke University Medical Center. She spoke on the inter-relationship of Joint Commission and ACGME priorities and goals.

A total of 20 submissions were received by the PI/QI/EBP symposium committee and topics ranged from improving traumatic brain injury outcomes in a military population to quality improvement projects to monitor C-spine clearance and compliance.

PI/QI/EBP Symposium winners were as follows:

  • The top poster prize was awarded to: Dr. Heather Rhodes-Pope: Implementation of a Pharmacist-Led Lipid Clinic Among Patients with LDL Levels > Equal 190 mg/dl.
  • The top oral presentation prize was awarded to: CPT James Roesner: SEAMLESS Transitions in Care: A Quasi-Experimental Quality Improvement Initiative for Intraoperative Handoff.


Pictured Left to Right:

CPT James Roesner, BSN, RN and Ms. Mimi Anderson 1st place; Dr. Heather Rhodes-Pope and MAJ Jaime Frahm, Clinical Pharmacy Chief, 1st place; COL Foglia and Dr. Catherine Kuhn